
I am a linguist. I teach linguistics and French at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań.

For more than ten years I have simply been painting my life. My paintings are like stories; or poems. When I paint someone's portrait, I also talk about my life in it. Emotions and relationships are especially inspiring for me.

I attended painting classes privately: with Tomasz Kalitko (2013); after many years, intrigued by photorealism, I applied for painting classes with Paweł Jaskuła at the "Rakla" Studio in Poznań (2019).

My work is still evolving. On the one hand, I try new means, I learn, I experiment; on the other hand, I remain faithful to telling stories about myself and people who surround me.

A.K. 2023


26.03/1.04.2017: Namalowałam obraz, takie ma kolory [I made this painting; here are the colors]; Student's House, Nieszawska 3, Poznan (Poland)

6.04/5.05.2018: 8th AK30 Exhibition (collective), Poznan (Poland)

26.04/25.05.2019: 9th AK30 Exhibition (collective), Poznan (Poland)

5.12.2020: 5th Art Auction for Autist's House in Poznan, CK Zamek, Poznan (Poland)

21.08.2021: 3rd Przygodzickie Biennale Sztuki Retrospektywa – Palace's Park in Antonin (Poland)

21.05/31.07.2022: Salon Wiosenny, Operis Artis Gallery, Antonin (Poland)

14.04/29.04.2023: jesteś obrazem - portrety, inidvidual exhibition in Gallery of Various Arts, Garbary 50, Poznań (Poland)

15.07/30.07.2023: WOMAN International Exhibition 2023 (collective); BARBAGELATA Contemporary Art Foundation

9.09/16.09.2023: Rytmy jazzu w sztuce (collective), Stary Browar, Poznan (Poland)